929 new features in WINDEV, WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile 2024

Your code is unique: Windows, Internet, HTML5, Linux, Java, .Net, PHP, Mac, web service, Android, iOS, Cloud, SaaS and more. TECHNOLOGY DOES NOT WAIT: ORDER VERSION 2024 TODAY Order today. New versions are being announced now, so you can plan ahead and avoid spending time developing features that will be in- cluded in the software. Some features may not be available as soon as the version is shipped, but will be offered later as downloads. Also note that additional improvements and new features other than the ones described in this document may be available in the new version. WIN- DEV, WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile are professional software products. The amount of new features adds up to more than 929 since cer- tain new features are related to multiple subjects and are presented more than once. Despite the care taken during the writing process, this is a non-contractual document. Screenshots and lists are for illustration purposes only. Don't hesitate to contact us for any additional information or to learn more about a new feature. All the trademarks mentioned in this publication are registered trademarks of their respective owners. Documentation version: 1.01 Version 2024, a world of new features